Raymond Mgeni, MD: Health & Education, Communcations & Strategic Development
Raymond, 30, is a licensed medical practitioner working currently with Mbeya Zonal Referral Hospital in Tanzania. He is also a mental health advocate, reaching audiences across the African continent and beyond through his social media platforms and his writing of newspaper and magazine articles and radio interviews. Raymond’s mission is to build awareness and effective care for mental health illnesses across Tanzania, where mental health is still widely overlooked.
Raymond is the author of three books: Usiichoke Safari (Don’t Give up on Life Journey), Fikra Pevu Darasa (Collections of Mindset teachings), and Maisha Yataka Ujikaze (Life wants you to be Strong). Raymond has been the keynote speaker at many African conferences presenting on such topics as mental health, reading culture, community engagement, finance, and investments.
Raymond’s goal is to use all of his many diverse talents to serve humanity at the global level. Raymond is a former Unite Scholar and Mentor and currently advises Unite on our health curriculum, Unite Scholars Program, and health challenges for our Unite family members as they arise.