When faced with the extreme and widespread challenges of the day, there is only one way forward:
We must UNITE. We must band together, cross barriers and borders seen and unseen,
and connect with those we believe to be "the other." As we sit idly by and watch the suffering and horror escalate
in nearly every corner of our world,
-Anne Wells, Unite Founder & Director
We believe
In UNITING people across cultures and disciplines to co-create effective solutions to the world’s problems.
In the power of collaboration, mentorship, professionalism and volunteerism.
In compassion, personal responsibility, resilience, resourcefulness, and a commitment to excellence.
In quality education, entrepreneurship, access to healthcare for all, independence and self-sufficiency.
In gender equality and the critical importance of quality education and professional opportunities for girls and women.
In embracing our duties as a stewards of Mother Earth and caretakers of humanity.
That apathy, ego, fear and lack-based thinking are the greatest threats to our planet today.
Unite's role is tO:
Identify, vet and approve partner grantee programs and projects in Tanzania.
Conduct needs assessments in partnership with local leadership.
With our Tanzanian partners, create a mutually-agreed-upon set of "rules of engagement" to help guide and direct communications, project plans, deliverables, etc.
Communicate effectively those needs and strategic solutions to existing and potential donors in America.
Provide funds as well as ongoing support, assistance and professional development and coaching to our partners in Tanzania as we work together to address need.
Ensure donor funds are allocated and managed properly and transparently.
Report back to donors with news of progress and impact.
Evaluate the short- and long-term impact of our investments, consistently examine the consequences of our actions, and re-evaluate or shift as needed to accommodate local challenges and be ready to change directions to ensure maximum impact and greatest outcomes over time.
Whenever possible and appropriate, empower grantees to become self-sufficient through the provision and advancement of income-generating projects and, if necessary, access to a wider international audience.
Connect leaders and organizations in and across sectors to facilitate the co-creation of new ideas and solutions for the greatest good of all.