Click HERE to watch a new short film about our Unite Scholars & Mentorship Program.
Note: We are most grateful to share the thrilling news that thanks to the generous support of 51 donors, we were able to earn a matching grant of $25,000 to continue to execute, grow, and develop this powerful program! We extend our sincerest gratitude to all our sponsors and donors who make this program possible. Please continue to help us grow by watching and sharing this video.
You are warmly welcome in Tanzania to meet our extended Unite family and experience our work in person.
Dear scholars,
Today isn’t your last day being a part of the Unite family, but it is the first day of your journey towards university life and being a grownup.
That world waits for you with its beauty. I want to advise you to continue being great people that you have been throughout your years with Unite the World With Africa Foundation. You have the ability to change the world. And now you will observe and face the toughness of life, its struggles and temptations… but don’t be afraid. You are the ones who have the power to change the world.
And when you will be at the highest rank of your studies and career then you will forget what you have suffered in the past. Always remember that a diamond can only be made out of coal when it survives all the pressure, and heat in its life. We love you and hope the best for all of you.
A speech from the Unite Scholar’s lead mentor Joan Mnzava to the class of 2022 Unite Scholars on their graduation day in July 2022.
Joan Mnzava is the lead mentor of our Unite Scholars & Mentorship Program in Tanzania.
“we must Allow our lights to shine. we must not hide. We are a gift to this world. Let love lead us always.”
~Zainabu Seiph (in a speech delivered to the graduating class of Unite Scholars, July 2022).
Zainabu is currently sponsored by Unite to study medicine and surgery at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center in Tanzania.
Let to right: Anty Marche (Unite Program Director), Zainabu Seiph (Unite University Scholar), Anne Wells, Martha Kamili (a Unite University Ambassador), Clara Wilson Ngowi (Unite’s Environmental Scientist and Unite Food Program Manager).