Last month we hosted another Unite Scholar graduation ceremony for our most recent class of Form 6 graduates at the Unite Food Program headquarters in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Currently there are more than 100 scholars engaged in our Unite Scholars Program; however, this year’s graduating A-Levels class was our smallest, with just 12 (one was unable to attend as he is currently enrolled in Tanzania’s national service).
Unite’s Scholars Program Manager Joan Mnzava (pictured above center with this year’s graduates) worked extremely hard with her team to bring our scholars from all across the country (our scholars now represent nearly every district of Tanzania) to Dar es Salaam for five days of trainings and workshops, celebrations and field trips, and the graduation event itself. We had the best time together dancing, sharing personal testimonies and experiences, conducting interviews, sharing speeches, engaging in CPR/First Aid/Burn Care trainings led by our international guests, and much more.
In Tanzania, students graduate from Form 6 (A-Levels) in June. Based upon the results of their National Leaving Examinations (all but one of our scholars scored high Division 1 on these exams, the other scored high Division 2 — incredible!), they apply to university and will receive their placements from the government by late October. University will then begin in early November. Over this long break before university, thanks to the generosity of a few angel donors, Unite is now sponsoring our graduates in professional paid internships with businesses and colleges across Tanzania (including The Nature Conservancy, Maternity Africa/Kivulini Hospital, Cambridge College of Tourism Management, Unite Food Program, and others). Our scholars have each also been assigned Unite “Big Brothers & Sisters” who provide them with friendship and coaching as well as social and emotional support and guidance as they navigate their professional work experiences and prepare for their new lives in university. Here at Unite, we commit to doing everything possible to support our scholars (and their families) to ensure that they are able to thrive and succeed in and beyond the classroom.
Click HERE to see a video of our Unite Scholars’ opening dance performance at the graduation.
Unite’s “Guiding Principles” graduation speech
Anne Wells (center) with graduates (left to right, back to front) Calvin Moshy, Kassim Mkuu, Sajo Mathias, Elisha George, Onesmo Amos, Lukas Henry, Hawa Hamimu, Faidha Charles, Vaileth Komba, Veronica Moses, and Gaudencia Simon.
[An excerpt from Unite’s Founder & Executive Director Anne Wells’ graduation speech]
…Each of you sit here today filled with all kinds of talents, gifts, ambitions and dreams – none the same, all uniquely your own. Your paths will and should be different; however, the guiding principles on which you journey can – and I would advise should -- be the same. I invite you all to embrace the following principles not only to navigate the complexities of life with confidence, but also to make long lasting, positive impacts on your communities and the world at large.
1. Be honest and always act with integrity.
Your word and your actions matter. Do what you say you will do. Own up to your mistakes and shortcomings. Communicate openly, honestly, and regularly. Do not distance. Be trustworthy. Your reputation is your most valuable asset. Be vigilant in protecting this precious resource by being honest and forthcoming in all you do.
2. Commit to excellence. Strive to deliver results.
Everything in life worth fighting for requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Each task and assignment, no matter how small, deserves your fullest attention and greatest effort. Strive for excellence, even when you think no one is watching (someone almost always is). Along the way, you will face unforeseen challenges and setbacks. Do not be deterred. The challenges we face build our muscles – mind, body, creativity and character. We may not always have choice in what comes our way; however, we always have choice in how we respond. When we take 100% personal responsibility for how we handle, manage, and react to the circumstances of our lives – we step into the fullness of our greatness and our power.
3. Become a lifelong learner.
Learning does not stop when we complete our formal educations. Life is our greatest classroom. Be curious. Ask questions. Investigate. Dig deep. Question why things are as they are and then use your creative, innovative minds to think about how they may be improved. Challenge yourselves to think outside of the box. To collaborate with others. To look for opportunities and solutions where there may appear to be none. What’s most exciting is that new knowledge can be found anywhere and most everywhere… in conversations with friends and strangers alike, in examining the various perspectives of others, and in every new experience. When in doubt, READ READ and then READ some more. The most successful people on this planet share a few common traits, perhaps the most important being that they are voracious readers. Become a passionate student of life. It will serve you well.
4. share what you’ve learned with others. give your time, treasure, and talentsto those in need.
Volunteerism and service are foundational components of Unite. And as each of you have learned through Unite’s many outreach efforts -- we all have something of value to give to others and even the smallest acts of kindness can go a long way in uplifting lives. You are more powerful than you know, and your actions can radically change someone’s life for the better. So reach out. Assist where you can. Look for ways to serve. And spend time sharing your knowledge with others (you have been blessed with your education and all that you have learned through your many Unite trainings). Knowledge is power and not ours to keep. Families, communities, and nations alike rise up when knowledge is shared and minds are nurtured.
5. use your voices. Speak up.
I invite you all to be strong enough and courageous enough to stand up and speak up for what is right. When you witness injustice of any kind, say something. Do not be silent. People may just need to hear that there can be another way. Every human, regardless of perceived differences, is deserving of love, respect, dignity, and a life of opportunity. So please, do your best to care for one another as you would want for yourselves. We are the Unite family, and as such as much be courageous, committed, and leaders by example. Become the passionate stewards of our precious planet and caretakers of humanity. Show the world how it can be done.
Unite’s call to action:
When faced with the extreme and widespread challenges of the day, we must unite. We must band together, cross barriers and borders seen and unseen, and ask ourselves…
“What would love do?”
And then, we must act.
Thank you.
Our graduates with a number of our Unite teammates and university scholars as well as international guests (Board member) Nicole & Scarlett Gerber and Anne & Constance Schmults.
Anne, Harriett & Katharine Wells with Unite Program Director Anty Marche, Joan Mnzava, and our 2024 A-level graduates.
NOTE: Unite is hosting a large professional development and networking event for our University-level scholars October 10-13th in northern Tanzania. If you're interested in possibly joining us, please email