You are what you do, not what you say you'll do.

~Carl Jung

Meet our Scholars enrolled in this program * Program Overview * PROGRAM SUCCESS 2020


Quinn Boyd

Quinn, 19, lives in Westport, CT, where he keeps some animals like goats, chickens, and bees. Quinn is an undergraduate at the University of California-San Diego studying mechanical engineering and economics. At school, Quinn spends his time surfing (his dorm is just 5 minutes from the beach), cooking, and meeting with various clubs. At home he likes to keep busy by learning how to fix things, spending time with his animals, and working outside on the farm. Quinn also plays on his school's flatball (frisbee) team.


Shaunmei Lim

Shaunmei, 21, is a rising senior on the women’s swimming and diving team at Northwestern. Shaunmei is majoring in Learning and Organizational Change and minoring in French, which brings her to a total of three languages that she speaks, as she speaks some Thai with her mom and grandma at home. She was born and raised in Palo Alto, California. Outside of school she really enjoys singing, baking desserts and exploring San Francisco/Chicago with her best friends, traveling, petting dogs, drinking boba.


Mahfouz soumare

Mahfouz, 20, is a sophomore at Fairfield University in Fairfield, Connecticut, studying Economics and International Affairs, and minoring in Humanitarian Action and French. He was born in Ivory Coast and lived in Mali, Senegal, Guinea, and Morroco before moving to the United in 2016. Mahfouz plays varsity soccer at Fairfield. Mahfouz is part of the honors program, and he is currently working on a children’s book as well as on a project with Sky Africa in Mali. Mahfouz enjoys making films, and he made a film that won a Tribeca film contest. For Mahfouz, three of the important things in life are Faith, Kindness, and Hard Work.


Caroline Crosby

Caroline, 22, is a senior at the University of Michigan majoring in Biochemistry and minoring in Business Administration. She hopes to pursue a career somewhere at the intersection of healthcare, medicine and biotechnology. In her free time Caroline enjoys walking her dogs, hiking, playing sports, reading and having hun with her family and friends.


Maddie Banich

Maddie, 19, is a freshman at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, studying Neuroscience with a concentration in Language and Human Communications. Maddie is passionate about science and the arts. As a dancer, Maddie loves engaging her artistic side and integrating creativity into her studies. When she is not studying, she loves reading fiction, writing poetry, and enjoying the outdoors. Maddie is delighted to be a part of this unique program, and, in this uncertain time, she is humbled by the opportunity to make new connections and engage academic topics with scholars across the world.


Ramzy Issa

Ramzy, 19, is a Freshman at Northwestern University majoring in Neuroscience and Global Health. Ramzy is on the pre-medical path and plans on becoming a neuroradiologist. Ramzy born and raised in Los Angeles. He currently works in a neurobiology laboratory exploring neural circuitry and the principles of decision making and motivated behavior. Ramzy is also an Athletic Training Aide for the Northwestern sports teams. For fun, he loves sprinting and hurdling, hiking, and grilling!


Nathan LoPinto

Nathan, 18 is from Queens, NY. He is a freshman majoring in Economics and Theatre at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Nathan is involved in an improv group and a fraternity on campus. He is interested in finance and acting, but in his free time he loves talking about philosophy, writing plays, and reading. In the future Nathan would like to be an investment banker, a professional actor, or work in private equity.


JAKE Turner

Jake, 19, is a freshman at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, studying Chemical Engineering and French. He hopes to be accepted to the MS/BS program at Northwestern University to pursue a Masters degree before he graduates. Jake is passionate about the environment, and he volunteers to do environmental clean ups with Keep Nature Wild in his free time. In the future, he wants to use his degree to increase sustainability in chemical processing.



Celine, 19, is a freshman at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, studying Neuroscience and Legal Studies. Her family is originally from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and she is a first generation student. She has served as leadership of various public service organizations ranging from assisting low-income students with educational opportunities to organizing events at assisted living facilities. Outside of school, she enjoys spending her time with friends, reading, watching shows, and finding new ways to make a difference in her community.


Christian Johnston (CJ)

CJ, 19, is a freshman at Northwestern University studying environmental engineering. He hopes to one day design sustainable cities along with improving resource recovery and efficiency. Outside of school, CJ enjoys working out, playing basketball, watching movies and just hanging out with friends! A fun fact about CJ is that he loves turtles and tortoise, and he has kept over 10 different types of pets during his childhood!


Daniel Mares

Danny Mares, 19, is a Freshman at Northwestern University studying Theatre with a Musical Theatre focus. He envisions himself becoming a multi-platformed artist who inspires others to lead a better life. While he is a very easy-going-guy, he is also tremendously driven and does not permit obstacles to stop him from achieving his goals. This steadfast determination has influenced his soccer team winning Sectionals for his school in 2018, him performing in professional organizations such as RAPA in 2017 and Roc City Singers from 2017-2019, and him starting his own landscaping business in 2015. 


Lila Wells

Lila, 19, is a freshman at Northwestern University majoring in Sociology and Legal Studies, and minoring in Spanish. She is a a member of the Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity, the Northwestern Prison Education Program, and Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, where she is the Sisterhood Assistant and will lead the second round of formal recruitment next year. Lila works in operations for NW’s student-run coffee shop, BrewBike Inc., and also serves as a Technical Director specializing in inventory for the Sit & Spin Theatre Board. Lila plans to become a criminal defense attorney or a lawyer specializing in human rights abuses. Lila is a formal member of the UNITE TEAM.