Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends.


Meet our Ambassadors * Program Overview * PROGRAM SUCCESS 2020



Zainabu, 17, is from Dodoma, Central Tanzania. She attended the Sega Girls School for lower secondary and while there worked with the school’s Entrepreneurship Program. Zainabu dreams of opening her own Entrepreneurship School so that she can teach people the skills needed to create small businesses and earn enough money to support their families, “especially those living in the streets.” Zainabu is working with Ambassador Maddie.


Loveness Apael

Loveness, 17, is from Arusha, Tanzania. During her lower-secondary school years at the Sega Girls school, she was elected to serve as Class Monitress and School Head Girl. She also participated in the English and Sports Clubs and earned her Leadership Training Certificate. She dreams of becoming a nurse and one day opening a dispensary as “many people suffer and due from lack of access to good medicine.” Loveness is working with Ambassador CJ.



Gracia, 16, is from Nzega Village in Western Tanzania. Gracia completed her lower-secondary education at the Tabora Girls School, and she scored Division 1 on her Form 4 national examination. Gracia dreams of becoming a successful businesswoman and help her family and others who live in need. In March 2020 Gracia earned a certificate of excellence for training Unite’s Brave Widows in English lessons. For this Youth Connection program, Gracia is working with Ambassador Jake.


Furaha Justine

Furaha, 19, is from the Kilimanjaro district. She is one of our Original Unite Scholars and is currently in Form 5 at the Ifunda Technical government higher secondary school in Iringa. Gloria is studying PCB combination (physics, chemistry, biology) and dreams of pursuing and career as a pharmacist to ensure that sick people have access to the proper medicines. For this Youth Connection program, Furaha is working with Ambassador Lila.


Stella MoshA

Stella,18, is from the Rombo district of Kilimanjaro region of Northern Tanzania. In lower-secondary, she served as Academic Prefect and the leader of the Asante Africa club. She scored division 1 on her Form 4 national examination and dreams of becoming a laboratory technician to diagnose diseases before they become too advanced and untreatable. Stella was awarded a Unite certificate of excellence for teaching Unite’s Brave Widows English lessons. Stella is working with Ambassador Celine.



John John, 17, is from Morogoro, Tanzania. He attended Kibaha Boys School for lower-secondary and was elected to serve as Class Monitor and Health Secretary. He also started a jogging club and a club to prevent and combat “the killing disease of we Africans—corruption.” His anti-corruption club is now successfully rolled out in 12 schools. He scored Division 1 on his Form 4 National Exam and dreams of fighting extreme poverty and drug abuse. For this program, John John is working with Ambassador Quinn.



Andia, 16, is from the Tabora Region of Tanzania. During her lower-secondary school years at the Tabora Girls School, Andia served as Academic Leader and Spiritual Leader. Andia scored Division 1 on her Form 4 National Exam. She dreams of becoming a veterinarian while also “supporting and helping orphans and street children who are facing hardships in this world.” For this program, Andia is working with Ambassador Mahfouz.



Ephraim, 18, is from the Njombe region of Tanzania. He completed his lower secondary education at the government Kibaha school for boys in Dar. He earned the very-difficult-to-achieve Division 1 on his Form 4 National Exam. Ephraim loves to play football and participate in the arts, specifically comedy shows. His dream is to continue his studies in Physics, Chemistry and Biology and one day work in the field of medicine “to care for those who suffer.”  For this program, Ephraim is working with Ambassador Nathan.



Zaituni, 17, (twin sister of Zainabu) is from Dodoma, Central Tanzania. During her lower-secondary school years at Sega Girls School Zaituni was elected to serve as Academic Prefect and to attend an East African Girls’ Leadership Summit in Kenya. Zaituni dreams of becoming a doctor to help care for expectant mothers and “prevent needless death and suffering of mothers and babies.” For this program, Zaituni is working with Ambassador Maddie.



Michael, 17, is from Dar es Salaam. He completed his lower secondary education at the Kibasila Secondary School for boys and earned the near perfect score of Division 1.9 on his Form 4 national exam. He teachers called him “one of the best students in our school’s history.” Michael dreams of “becoming a doctor and establishing a center for students who are passing through such difficult environments as I have.” Michael is working with Ambassador Jake.


Imani faustine

Imani is from the Mara Region of Northern Tanzania. During his lower-secondary school years, Imani held such leadership positions as First Aid Prefect, English Prefect and Head of School. He scored Division 1 on his Form 4 national examination and dreams of becoming a successful doctor who can provide quality care for people who suffer, specifically for those living with disabilities. For this Youth Connection program, Imani is working with Ambassador Danny.


luther kavishe

Luther, 17, lives in Arusha, Tanzania. He attended Ilboru government school for boys for lower secondary and while there earned As in all of his classes and received certificates of excellence for his work with the school’s Tax Club and as a leading member of the school’s “Inspiration Team.” Luther dreams of continuing his studies in physics, chemistry and mathematics so that he may one day become an aircraft engineer. Luther is working with Ambassador Celine.


loyce lucas

Loyce, 20, lives in the Tabora Region of Tanzania. She completed lower secondary at the Tabora Girls Government where she was elected to serve as Class Monitor, Head Prefect and Choir Master. Loyce graduated top of her class and scored the extremely-difficult-to-achieve Division 1 on her Form 4 National Exam. Loyce dreams of one day working for the Tanzanian Food and Drug Authority to help ensure the health of the people.  For this program, Loyce is working with Ambassador Danny.



Witness, 19, is from Arusha, Tanzania. She attended the Sega Girls School for lower secondary and was elected to serve as Academic Prefect, Secretary Prefect, and General Manager of the school’s Entrepreneurship Program. Witness is a passionate animal and human rights advocate and dreams of opening a pharmacy “to build and maintain the health of the people.” She loves to play net ball and football (soccer).  For this Youth Connection program, Witness is working with Ambassador Nathan.



Zainabu, 19, is from Kigoma, Tanzania. She is an Original Unite Scholars currently finishing Form 5 at the Tabora government higher secondary school for girls. Zainabu is studying PCB (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and is a member of the Prevention and Combustion of Corruption Bureau and the leader of the Unite Club at her school. She wants to study medicine to care for people living with disabilities. For this program, Zainabu is working with Ambassador Lila.


Elina Green

Elina, 17, lives in Morogoro, Tanzania. She attended lower-secondary at the Sega Girls School and while there served as Vice Chairperson of the English Club. She graduated top of her class and later attended a computer programming workshop through the Tanzanian charity “Apps for Girls.” Elina dreams of becoming a Computer Programming Specialist and inspire youth to get involved with technology. For this program, Elina is working with Ambassador Caroline.



Ashura, 18, is from Morogoro, Tanzania. During her lower-secondary school years at the Sega Girls School, Ashura was always one of the top-performing students. She graduated Form 4 earning the extremely difficult Division 1 on her Form 4 National Exam. Ashura dreams of a career in environmental conservation. She is passionate about combatting climate change. Ashura is working with Ambassador Shaunmei.



Gloria, 18, is one of our Original Unite Scholars from Mbeya, Tanzania. She is currently in Form 5 at the Ifunda Technical government higher secondary school in Iringa. Gloria is studying PCB combination (physics, chemistry, biology) and dreams of pursuing and career in medicine to help take care of people living in great need. For this Youth Connection program, Gloria is working with Ambassador Shaunmei.



Lazaro, 19, is from Mwanza, Tanzania. He attended lower secondary school at the government’s Ushirombo school for boys, and he was elected to such leadership positions as Class Monitor, Academic Prefect and the Discipline Master of the Tanzania Youth Catholic Student Group. He also received certificates of “Best Student”in Chemistry and Mathematics. Lazaro dreams of becoming a laboratory engineer or a doctor. For this Youth Connection program, Lazaro is working with Ambassador Mahfouz.



Maria, 20, is from Dodoma, Central Tanzania. She attended the Sega Girls School for lower secondary where she was elected to serve as Discipline Prefect, Organic Gardening Prefect, and Leader of the Tembo Anti-Poaching Club. Maria dreams of a career in either engineering or medicine. “I feel like I have a duty to play in my society as well as to the world at large. I think the world is waiting for me to change it.” Maria is working with Ambassador Lila.



Winson, 17, is from the Mbeya Region of Tanzania. He attended Kibaha Boys school for lower secondary where he was appointed Head Prefect, Environmental Prefect, and School Treasurer. Winson also participated in International Mathematics Olympiads and essay writing competitions. Winson loves to draw and regularly performs as a singer and dancer. He is also an accomplished acrobat. He dreams of becoming a “great entrepreneur.” Winson is working with Ambassador CJ.


khadija mkopi

Khadija, 18, is from Dodoma, Tanzania. She completed her lower secondary education at the Sega Girls School where she earned the honor of Best English Performer, Best Mentor, and Health Leader, Religious Leader and Chairperson of the English Club. She dreams of becoming “a successful businesswoman and employing people in need of jobs, specifically those living with HIV/AIDS.” For this Youth Connection program, Khadija is working with Ambassador Caroline.



David, 18, is from Dar Es Salaam. He is one of our Original Unite Scholars and is currently finishing Form 5 at the Kibaha government higher secondary school for boys. David is studying PCB (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and wants to go into a career in medicine. At Kibaha, David runs the Unite Club and is the chairman of the Tanzania Students Christian Fellowship. For this Youth Connection program, David is working with Ambassador Ramzy.


NEEMA Paul Mbembati

Neema Paul Mbembati, 17, grew up with her mother in Dar es Salaam. Neema joined an acting troupe as a small child and performed dramas around neighborhoods and churches. She received school support from international charity World Vision throughout primary school before attending the Zanaki Lower Secondary School. Neema dreams of becoming a medical doctor and is working with Ambassador Jake.